Daniel Landry
Actively a Managed Infrastructure Tier 2 Technician for IT MSP Sparkhound.
Aspiring to transition into a Developer role in 2024.
LandryLabs GitHub
Currect Projects:
Sparkhound user onboarding program: GitHub Repo
- Re-Writing my powershell script into a C# program.
This website (LandryLabs.Info):
- Website server using NGINX on a Debian 11 virtual machine hosted through Linode.
- Secured with a LetsEncryt SSL certificate provided by CertBot.
- Domain name securely owned through GoDaddy.
- Using HTML and CSS.
Past Projects:
Sparkhound user onboarding Powershell script: GitHub Repo
- Generates on-prem Active Directory user object populated with submitted information
- Swaps over to Azure Active Directory once it detects the synced account and fleshes it out with cloud-only items.
- Generates an email to Human Resources, the manager, and my team notifying them of the newly activated account and the infomration required to access it.
- Generates a final email to my team containing a full transcript of the activation.
Sparkhound user offboarding Powershell script: GitHub Repo
- Requests the target user to deactivate, snapshots all of their active directory properties to reference, then deactivates.
- Blocks access to their O365 cloud account and does some cleanup of revoking assigned items.
- Generates an email to Human Resources, the manager, and my team notifying the of the recently deactivated account.
- Generates a final ticket to my team containing a full transcript of the deactivation, including a full snapshot of the user's AD properties.
O365 Exchange Mailbox Health Scan Powershell Script: GitHub
TryHackMe Learning Platform
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